Thursday, April 12, 2007


Ever heard of the musical, Wicked? It's got great music, and just about all the drama "geeks" I know have at least heard of a few of the songs...and some are fanatics...this includes you, Josh. ANYWAYS, I got a request to do a drawing of Elphiba and Glinda(...spelling??) and without further adieu, here it is!! Enjoy!!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

I'm REALLY sorry...

Sorry to anyone who actually looks at this blog..I don't have time to do many, if you e-mail me asking for a drawing it may take a few days for an inital response...SORRY!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007


I found and ANCIENT image in the back of my image files! lol It looks funky...

Friday, February 02, 2007

Yay! tis Zantis!!

I finally got it done and actually WORKING!!! CHA! Be happy you, I must go celebrate with booze... ;3